​​​​​​​Interpretation of Hegel
This performance is about ambiguity tolerance in our society. Ambiguity tolerance is the ability to co-exist at least two truths, or beliefs. I want to investigate the tension that arises between them in this performance.
This performance is based on my question: where does this enormous need come from to want to equalize everything, so to have to create a mediocre, standard, agreements in order to understand each other, and thus to consume. In the first instance there appears to be a clear answer: Because otherwise you do not understand each other, if there is no common sign system, language system, agreements of contact or a value system. The problem with this is: that comparable content must be able to be measured. The 'compare language' that HUMAN has used has more to do with top of hop, good - bad, and numbers. But these three categories reflect an emotional private opinion, a hypermoralized value system and calculable calculations. These are used to compare, to like, to match. Identity politics with fundamentalist contours. But by what is this measured? An equality suggests connection, connection between HUMAN, but man is actually not taken into account here. It only serves as a docking point for equality. Antikörper are not allowed there. But MENS needs to be able to dock. To connect. So MENS is looking for a focal point in other areas. MENS finds it in a bubble of MENS that has the same points of contact. Apparently that physically repels plus plus plus and minus minus is apparently no longer valid here. The result is an isolated disappearance in bubbles of MENS because here the need for contact can still be satisfied. So the delusion of equality creates isolation. Ultimately, these are endless protected spaces, which can no longer be translated or connected to each other, but provoke in themselves only homogeneity.

Lasse Rogie
Sam Verhaeren
Kaz Schonebeek
Ozan Aydogan

DIRECTION                          Christina Pfrötschner 
TEKST                                       Lisa van der Hoeven / Ozan Aydogan 
MUSIC                                       Luc Debuyser
COSTUM                                 Bas Giesen 
LIGHT/VIDEO                     Lou Bikkers / Otte Stoltenborg                          
SOUND                                      Jordy Zoet /Marcel Sman  
STAGEDESIGN                    Noor Stenfert Kroese
DRAMATURGY                   Nuno Blijboom
PRODUCTION                     Tim Kockx 
PRODUCTION                     Saskia Wieser     ​​​​​​​
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